Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ooh, No!!!

Email from him arrived in my in box this morning:
So I was looking at all the math courses at UH to see maybe if there was one that had a real teacher and I accidentally canceled my seat in my math class and now that seat is filled and no other seats are open in any other class- so now I am only in 9 credit hours instead of 12. So now I am freaking out cause that is part time and I feel like breaking down because that most definitely means that I will need summer school and that is more money and I don't know what to do about that -stay here or take USC classes

On a lighter note I got the Sallie Mae crap figured I just need granddaddy's address to finish as a reference.

I don't know - - I just hoped for a good semester to make up for Greenville, but now it seems like another waste and I am trying to get scholarships to help. So I got that but I just don't know what to do about this math class. I don't want you and dad to think I am wasting my time here and wasting your money. It is fun here but these classes are more important and I just need some help settling down.

I love you mommy and daddy too! I just don't want to disappoint you two.
My response follows:

Take a deeeeeeep breathe inhale - - - hold for the count of 4 - - - release. Repeat. Relax.

This can be fixed with determination on your part! YOU ARE NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT to daddy or me!!! So, STOP IT - don't spend any more time with negative thoughts.

This is what daddy says you need to do: Take your original printout of your schedule to the Registrar's Office - show them that you are in the class, but somehow clicked a button while checking course syllabus work / class location / or something & you somehow were removed from the class & are unable to put yourself back in [small lie - don't tell them you were looking for another professor - tell them you've purchased the text book also]. Continue to attend the class until this is fixed. After going to the Registrar's Office, you may also need to check with your Engineering advisor [they tell you this], they may need him to sign something to put you back in the class. This can be fixed with some leg work & time & effort on your part.

You can't be the first student to have made this error, nor will you be the last. Also, most University's have what they call a "Drop / Add" day & a space will open up again [especially since the instructor had you looking for another prof - so that means other students are thinking the same thing - they don't want the asshole for a prof either, and some will drop his class.]

Keep checking online to see if you can get a spot, but in the meantime -- do not pass Go, do not collect one-hundred-dollars, go immediately to the Registrar's Office and have them fix it!!
Be polite, smile, use those baby-blues and charm your way into their hearts!!

AGAIN, continue to attend his class and make sure this grad student teaching the class knows who you are!!!! Sit right under his nose and talk to him before / after class! That goes for all the professors - get their office locations, emails, phone numbers - - plan to visit them all in the first couple of weeks, if only to shake hands and introduce yourself. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so make some noise and let them know that Son's Name Inserted Here
has arrived.!!!!

All will be okay . . . . just "B-R-E-A-T-H-E" . . . By-hook-or-by-crook get more the additional credit hours so this does not effect your full-time student status!!

Here is granddaddy's address:
- - - deleted since no one needs it - - -

Mark, you are going to have a great semester!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a minor bump in the road and can be fixed, so please don't think negative thoughts - you don't want the Universe to hear them!! Your mantra for the day is "I will get into this math class, I will get into this math class, I will get into this math class, . . . ." . . . breathe in the positive thought & exhale the negative thoughts out!

I LOVE YOU - and will be anxiously awaiting the results of your efforts! Don't take "no" for an answer - let them know at the Registrar's Office that they can put you in the class because they know that someone will drop the same class!

* Big Sigh *

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